Message From CEO
Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
The development of the times and technology requires us to adapt and collaborate to develop ourselves into a company with world-class services, in line with the mission of Makassar City as a Somber World City and Smart City. A competent strategy is very necessary so that it not only allows Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya to survive, but is also able to enable us to win business competition and be sustainable.
For this reason, we have digitalized the Company's management system internally and are currently building an integrated digital ecosystem for parking management in all areas in Makassar City through an application. InshaaAllah, soon!
We hope that all the Company information presented on this website can provide a complete picture of the business activities of Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya which continues to strive to provide excellent service to Parking Service Users, Jukir Partners and other stakeholders by prioritizing company values supported by Good Corporate Governance (GCG), especially in the mission to make Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya the best BUMD.
We express our sincere thanks to all parties who have contributed to realizing a parking management system in Makassar City that is more professional, accountable and transparent in accordance with our motto Organize and Serve, for the sake of a Makassar City that is Good for All.
The development of the times and technology requires us to adapt and collaborate to develop ourselves into a company with world-class services, in line with the mission of Makassar City as a Somber World City and Smart City. A competent strategy is very necessary so that it not only allows Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya to survive, but is also able to enable us to win business competition and be sustainable.
For this reason, we have digitalized the Company's management system internally and are currently building an integrated digital ecosystem for parking management in all areas in Makassar City through an application. InshaaAllah, soon!
We hope that all the Company information presented on this website can provide a complete picture of the business activities of Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya which continues to strive to provide excellent service to Parking Service Users, Jukir Partners and other stakeholders by prioritizing company values supported by Good Corporate Governance (GCG), especially in the mission to make Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya the best BUMD.
We express our sincere thanks to all parties who have contributed to realizing a parking management system in Makassar City that is more professional, accountable and transparent in accordance with our motto Organize and Serve, for the sake of a Makassar City that is Good for All.

Message From CEO
Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
The development of the times and technology requires us to adapt and collaborate to develop ourselves into a company with world-class services, in line with the mission of Makassar City as a Somber World City and Smart City. A competent strategy is very necessary so that it not only allows Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya to survive, but is also able to enable us to win business competition and be sustainable.
For this reason, we have digitalized the Company's management system internally and are currently building an integrated digital ecosystem for parking management in all areas in Makassar City through an application. InshaaAllah, soon!
We hope that all the Company information presented on this website can provide a complete picture of the business activities of Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya which continues to strive to provide excellent service to Parking Service Users, Jukir Partners and other stakeholders by prioritizing company values supported by Good Corporate Governance (GCG), especially in the mission to make Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya the best BUMD.
We express our sincere thanks to all parties who have contributed to realizing a parking management system in Makassar City that is more professional, accountable and transparent in accordance with our motto Organize and Serve, for the sake of a Makassar City that is Good for All.
The development of the times and technology requires us to adapt and collaborate to develop ourselves into a company with world-class services, in line with the mission of Makassar City as a Somber World City and Smart City. A competent strategy is very necessary so that it not only allows Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya to survive, but is also able to enable us to win business competition and be sustainable.
For this reason, we have digitalized the Company's management system internally and are currently building an integrated digital ecosystem for parking management in all areas in Makassar City through an application. InshaaAllah, soon!
We hope that all the Company information presented on this website can provide a complete picture of the business activities of Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya which continues to strive to provide excellent service to Parking Service Users, Jukir Partners and other stakeholders by prioritizing company values supported by Good Corporate Governance (GCG), especially in the mission to make Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya the best BUMD.
We express our sincere thanks to all parties who have contributed to realizing a parking management system in Makassar City that is more professional, accountable and transparent in accordance with our motto Organize and Serve, for the sake of a Makassar City that is Good for All.
Message From CEO
Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
The development of the times and technology requires us to adapt and collaborate to develop ourselves into a company with world-class services, in line with the mission of Makassar City as a Somber World City and Smart City. A competent strategy is very necessary so that it not only allows Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya to survive, but is also able to enable us to win business competition and be sustainable.
For this reason, we have digitalized the Company's management system internally and are currently building an integrated digital ecosystem for parking management in all areas in Makassar City through an application. InshaaAllah, soon!
We hope that all the Company information presented on this website can provide a complete picture of the business activities of Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya which continues to strive to provide excellent service to Parking Service Users, Jukir Partners and other stakeholders by prioritizing company values supported by Good Corporate Governance (GCG), especially in the mission to make Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya the best BUMD.
We express our sincere thanks to all parties who have contributed to realizing a parking management system in Makassar City that is more professional, accountable and transparent in accordance with our motto Organize and Serve, for the sake of a Makassar City that is Good for All.
The development of the times and technology requires us to adapt and collaborate to develop ourselves into a company with world-class services, in line with the mission of Makassar City as a Somber World City and Smart City. A competent strategy is very necessary so that it not only allows Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya to survive, but is also able to enable us to win business competition and be sustainable.
For this reason, we have digitalized the Company's management system internally and are currently building an integrated digital ecosystem for parking management in all areas in Makassar City through an application. InshaaAllah, soon!
We hope that all the Company information presented on this website can provide a complete picture of the business activities of Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya which continues to strive to provide excellent service to Parking Service Users, Jukir Partners and other stakeholders by prioritizing company values supported by Good Corporate Governance (GCG), especially in the mission to make Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya the best BUMD.
We express our sincere thanks to all parties who have contributed to realizing a parking management system in Makassar City that is more professional, accountable and transparent in accordance with our motto Organize and Serve, for the sake of a Makassar City that is Good for All.