Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya
PD. Makassar Raya Parking was established through Ujung Pandang Regional Regulation No. 5 of 1999 concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Regional Parking Company, Ujung Pandang Regional Municipality Level II. Makassar city government's thoughts on forming PD. Makassar Raya Parking is based on the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the service objectives of the parking sector to the people of Makassar city. Apart from that, parking activities in the city of Makassar are one of the objects that have the prospect of supporting the Regional Original Income (PAD) of the city of Makassar.
Furthermore, based on Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Regional Owned Enterprises, it has been mandated to change the status of Perusda to become a Regional Public Company, where on July 22 2021 the draft PERDA for the Establishment of PERUMDA Makassar Parking was initiated by Commission B of the City DPRD Makassar, through the Plenary Meeting of the Makassar City DPRD, established the Makassar City Regional Regulations concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Parking Regional Public Company.
Furthermore, based on Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Regional Owned Enterprises, it has been mandated to change the status of Perusda to become a Regional Public Company, where on July 22 2021 the draft PERDA for the Establishment of PERUMDA Makassar Parking was initiated by Commission B of the City DPRD Makassar, through the Plenary Meeting of the Makassar City DPRD, established the Makassar City Regional Regulations concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Parking Regional Public Company.

Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya
PD. Makassar Raya Parking was established through Ujung Pandang Regional Regulation No. 5 of 1999 concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Regional Parking Company, Ujung Pandang Regional Municipality Level II. Makassar city government's thoughts on forming PD. Makassar Raya Parking is based on the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the service objectives of the parking sector to the people of Makassar city. Apart from that, parking activities in the city of Makassar are one of the objects that have the prospect of supporting the Regional Original Income (PAD) of the city of Makassar.
Furthermore, based on Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Regional Owned Enterprises, it has been mandated to change the status of Perusda to become a Regional Public Company, where on July 22 2021 the draft PERDA for the Establishment of PERUMDA Makassar Parking was initiated by Commission B of the City DPRD Makassar, through the Plenary Meeting of the Makassar City DPRD, established the Makassar City Regional Regulations concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Parking Regional Public Company.
Furthermore, based on Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Regional Owned Enterprises, it has been mandated to change the status of Perusda to become a Regional Public Company, where on July 22 2021 the draft PERDA for the Establishment of PERUMDA Makassar Parking was initiated by Commission B of the City DPRD Makassar, through the Plenary Meeting of the Makassar City DPRD, established the Makassar City Regional Regulations concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Parking Regional Public Company.
Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya
PD. Makassar Raya Parking was established through Ujung Pandang Regional Regulation No. 5 of 1999 concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Regional Parking Company, Ujung Pandang Regional Municipality Level II. Makassar city government's thoughts on forming PD. Makassar Raya Parking is based on the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the service objectives of the parking sector to the people of Makassar city. Apart from that, parking activities in the city of Makassar are one of the objects that have the prospect of supporting the Regional Original Income (PAD) of the city of Makassar.
Furthermore, based on Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Regional Owned Enterprises, it has been mandated to change the status of Perusda to become a Regional Public Company, where on July 22 2021 the draft PERDA for the Establishment of PERUMDA Makassar Parking was initiated by Commission B of the City DPRD Makassar, through the Plenary Meeting of the Makassar City DPRD, established the Makassar City Regional Regulations concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Parking Regional Public Company.
Furthermore, based on Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017 concerning Regional Owned Enterprises, it has been mandated to change the status of Perusda to become a Regional Public Company, where on July 22 2021 the draft PERDA for the Establishment of PERUMDA Makassar Parking was initiated by Commission B of the City DPRD Makassar, through the Plenary Meeting of the Makassar City DPRD, established the Makassar City Regional Regulations concerning the Establishment of the Greater Makassar Parking Regional Public Company.
Making Perumda Parking Makassar Raya as
Independent and professional Regional Company
in management, leading in service and
best in increasing local revenue
for the development of the city of Makassar
Technological Innovation
Creating parking technology innovations
which is more efficient to support the smooth flow of traffic and optimize road function.
Service improvements
Improve services in all aspects of parking for customer satisfaction by managing parking professionally.
Human Resources
Forming quality and professional parking human resources (HR).
Cooperative Relationship
Establish cooperative relationships with various parties in structuring parking management and development
Develop and explore potential
new parking area.
Making Perumda Parking Makassar Raya as
Independent and professional Regional Company
in management, leading in service and
best in increasing local revenue
for the development of the city of Makassar.
Technological Innovation
Creating parking technology innovations
which is more efficient to support the smooth flow of traffic and optimize road function.
Human Resources
Forming quality and professional parking human resources (HR).
Develop and explore potential
new parking area.
Service Improvements
Improve services in all aspects of parking for customer satisfaction by managing parking professionally.
Cooperative Relationship
Establish cooperative relationships with various parties in structuring parking management and development
Making Perumda Parking Makassar Raya as Independent and professional Regional Company in management, leading in service and best in increasing local revenue for the development of the city of Makassar
Innovation Technology
Creating parking technology innovations which is more efficient to support the smooth flow of traffic and optimize road function.
Service Improvements
Improve services in all aspects of parking for customer satisfaction by managing parking professionally.
Human Resources
Forming quality and professional parking human resources (HR).
Cooperative Relationship
Establish cooperative relationships with various parties in structuring parking management and development
Develop and explore potential new parking area.
Corporate Culture
" Organize and Serve "
In carrying out its duties, responsibilities and functions as a regional company, Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya always adheres to the principles of corporate culture values based on quality culture and business culture.
Creating a regional company that is able to provide parking services to the community optimally and satisfactorily
Optimizing income in an effort to make regional companies the largest in providing contribution (income) to Makassar city's original regional income (PAD)
Creating a regional company that is able to provide parking services to the community optimally and satisfactorily
Cultivate and develop collaborative partnerships with the business world, universities and science and technology institutions, both at home and abroad in developing companies and improving services to the community.
Organizing parking areas throughout the city of Makassar so that they become more comfortable, satisfying and safe
Controlling illegal parking officers
Corporate Culture
" Organize and Serve "
In carrying out its duties, responsibilities and functions as a regional company, Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya always adheres to the principles of corporate culture values based on quality culture and business culture.
Creating a regional company that is able to provide parking services to the community optimally and satisfactorily
Optimizing income in an effort to make regional companies the largest in providing contribution (income) to Makassar city's original regional income (PAD)
Organizing parking areas throughout the city of Makassar, so that they become more comfortable, satisfying and safe
Cultivate and develop collaborative partnerships with the business world, universities and science and technology institutions, both at home and abroad in developing companies and improving services to the community.
Improving the quality of parking facilities, infrastructure, facilities and technology.
Controlling illegal parking officers
Corporate Culture
" Organize and Serve "
In carrying out its duties, responsibilities and functions as a regional company, Perumda Parkir Makassar Raya always adheres to the principles of corporate culture values based on quality culture and business culture.
Creating a regional company that is able to provide parking services to the community optimally and satisfactorily
Cultivate and develop collaborative partnerships with the business world, universities and science and technology institutions, both at home and abroad in developing companies and improving services to the community.
Optimizing income in an effort to make regional companies the largest in providing contribution (income) to Makassar city's original regional income (PAD)
Improving the quality of parking facilities, infrastructure, facilities and technology.
Organizing parking areas throughout the city of Makassar so that they become more comfortable, satisfying and safe
Controlling illegal parking officers